Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sports injury

Well I must be reasonably fit. I was in work at 7am after a rather sleepless night. Apart from some work, today I did heaps of sport. I played ping-pong after lunch for about 30 minutes, from 5pm to 7pm I played tennis really, really badly against some very good players (I won a few games and slowly improved towards the end, but I was by far the least skilled player). Oh well, I can only get better. Then Jonathan and I ate a Thai meal until 8pm. From 8:30pm to 10:30pm we played badminton which almost killed me off. We played with 3 Chinese people + a guy who, I think, was from South Africa. I lost all the games I played, but have an enormous bruise on my arm as a memento.

I think that I'll add to the Australian drought by taking a bath now and try and be in bed before midnight.

Work went well. Bill and I have finalised our technique for spectral analysis of irregularly sampled data in the presence of steep red noise. It's complicated. We undertake various stages including interpolation, smoothing, pre-whitening, Fourier transforms, post-darkening and inverting the filters. Now I just have to get it to work within tempo2 and then apply it to 400 or so pulsars!

1 comment:

Miri said...

It is good that you are keeping fit and doing all this exercise but don't do too much. Make sure you get enough sleep.