Friday, September 21, 2007

Changing emotions

What a mixed day! Last night Maryam phoned and we had a great chat. I'm absolutely amazed about how she is coping and keep realising how that I cannot predict her reaction to anything! I really thought that she'd be upset, but incredibly she seemed really strong and quite cheerful.

Work went terribly until about 10 minutes before I finished. I spent all day trying to solve a silly problem with my gravitational wave simulation. I thought the entire day was wasted until I decided to remove a DC offset from the gravitational wave background and suddenly everything worked perfectly!! Bill and I also discovered an issue about fitting for pulsar positions that we hadn't thought about before. Therefore, my work overall went really well!

My arm is still a bit sore, but I can move it reasonably freely now. In the evening I planned to cook a stunning dinner, clean up the kitchen and then put a photo of my sparkling, clean kitchen on this blog. In fact, I ate a pie and chips whilst drinking too much wine (okay, mum and Maryam, I won't drink any more for a while) and watching "la vita e' bella". I'm now in the strange frame of mind that occurs after watching a magnificent, sad, but beautiful film (or after enjoying a good Australian wine).

Marta is sending me an Italian word of the day. Today's word is "tastiera" which, apparently, means "keyboard". Well, that will come in handy! I plan to write an entire blog in Italian within two weeks - unless I get some more interesting suggestions my blog will be entitled "my family"! I know the word for father (padre), uncle (zio) and a few other masculine nouns. I'll try and get around to some femine words sometime next week.


1 comment:

Miri said...

Pies and chips are not very healthy. Why don't you have a salad tomorrow night. And don't watch depressing films. Try Charlie Chaplin or the Pink Panther.