Monday, September 24, 2007

Not a good day ...

This is not going to be a fun week. I'm in a bit of a mood at the moment and hope that ranting at my blog will allow me to calm down a bit. First, I discovered that I didn't get the CSIRO award that would have given me some sabbatical leave. Robert was very kind telling me about it, but it didn't make the day start off well. I then found out that I will hear about my QEII application on Wednesday. Two rejections in one week is not going to be great. I know that the chance of getting the QEII is very small, but I'm still going to feel rather down if I don't get it. I'm certainly being negative there - I probably have as good a chance as anybody else, but as I was told a few weeks ago, there's always about 100 excellent applications for about 5 positions. To make things worse I also spent part of the day trying to fix problems for Han which basically have nothing to do with me, or part supervising Bill's student. Most of the rest of the day was spent staring at my "to-do" list slowing growing.

Oh well, Jonathan and David came to the rescue (as always) and we went out for a pint and steak at the Ranch.

I then got home thinking that I'll cheer up by sorting out some photographs, but ended up looking through hundreds of pictures of my engagement to Maryam. As they say in Australia, I'm "like a bandicoot on a burnt ridge".

Okay. I'm going to learn lesson 2 in my Italian course now and then get an early night.

Arrivederci ....


Miri said...

I am very worried about you at the moment. Don't get too upset about the award. You are doing your best and you can't do more than that. Please take care and keep safe.

Alison Hobbs said...
