Wow! Jonathan and I have just been playing around with his camera and produced the image below! This was built up from 15, long (30 second) exposures of the stunning sky we have here at the moment. We used
Keith's image stacker to de-rotate the sky (as the camera was only on a simple camera mount). If you look very carefully then you can see the Southern Cross in the centre of the picture. The dark bit below the Southern Cross is the "Coalsack nebula". You can also make out some other cool nebulae!
Remember, this was done with a simple digital camera and normal tripod!
Great teamwork!!!
that's a stunning photo - should think the marketing people at Parkes visitor centre shop might be interested!
... Registax not available for Macs then?! Do take some more of the sky (so you don't have a foregound to mess with)... it'd be good to see what the skies look like 'to the naked eye'.
Fantastic! Ditto what faith said.
In fact, watermark the image *before* people like me steal it to put on astronomy promotional material!! (I'm already using a Taswegian bloke's awesome photos!) (with permission, it's all good! Can't use APOD pics on the whole, so have to find people who've personally taken photos and don't mind me using them).
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