Saturday, August 9, 2008

Whale watching

I'm tired!!!! Yesterday I spent the day working at Sydney university (working except for a great Thai lunch with Tiffany and her friends), had an evening meal cooked for me at the ATNF lodge (thanks Alice!) and then played some violin/piano duets. Today I somehow managed to pull myself out of bed at 6am to meet Alice (Xiaopeng didn't wake up) and take the bus into the city. We went whale watching!!! It was fun. We sat at the front of the boat in waterproof clothes that seemed more suitable for the Arctic. They were needed -it was cold. We spotted some albatrosses and humpback whales (we watched a mother and her calf). On the return journey as we got back into the harbour we saw a stunning white eagle and then a whole pod of dolphins just next to the harbour bridge and the opera house. It's only 6pm and I'm ready to sleep.

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