Friday, March 7, 2008


Just back from a two day conference at the Molonglo observatory site. Highlights include the wonderful drive to Molonglo (which is close to Braidwood, near Canberra), an amazing talk about pulsar observations in 1969 and the early 70's (we don't have to run down corridors holding chart recorder output nowadays), developing my collaboration with researchers from the University of Melbourne, looking around the telescope site (see photo) and not standing on a tiger snake (see other photo - I think that it is a "Brown Snake", but was told by "experts" that it was a tiger snake). It was fun! The talks were generally interesting and I certainly 1) learnt a lot and 2) realised that I have an incredible amount of work to do in the next few months.

I was going to write a long blog about the trip, but am feeling exhausted (maybe sometime over the weekend)! I also should catch up and write about the wonderful string quartet rehearsal that we had last week (and played the "From My Life" quartet).

It's only 8pm, but I'm ready for bed.

(P.S. Does anyone know where St-Felicien Wildlife Zoo in Quebec happens to be? They have polar bears!)

1 comment:

Alison Hobbs said...

St-Felicien is near Chicoutimi, up the Saguenay fiord, supposed to be a most wonderful part of Canada. Keep going east past the Isle aux Coudres and turn left at Tadoussac. We've never been there yet and we need a good excuse ... Let's go next time you're in Canada, George! We'd best fly there, so come in summer or autumn to make sure we can do this safely.