Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Spiders in the toilet

Plenty of wildlife around the Parkes control room at the moment. The observing is fun though (particularly with Matt doing some rather impressive magic tricks every now-and-then). We've just been contacted by the police asking if we spotted a massive shooting star - it was either that or a plane crashing and they wanted to check with us before sending out search parties! Unfortunately, we couldn't help them.

I attach a photo of a frog that is hanging around and one of Barry, Matt and Vikram in the upstairs control room. We're working hard for the PULSE@Parkes observations that take place tomorrow afternoon. We're also producing a whole heap of webpages that should go live sometime over the next few weeks. I also got my conference paper in for the AMALDI meeting which has been on my to-do list for a long time!

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