Saturday, February 9, 2008

A crazy time

It's about 1am and I'm sitting in the Parkes control room eating a very stodgy dessert. I'm rather exhausted! Yesterday, I attended the summer vacation student talks for the morning, worked with my new student (Sam) in the afternoon, met Kate for a coffee in the early evening and then went to the summer student dinner in the evening. Also, Christine left for Brisbane :( but tidied up my house before she went -- THANKS HEAPS! Matt and I returned rather late (after stopping for a drink at the pub and then playing ping-pong). We left at 6:30am this morning for Parkes. I hope that Vikram will come and take over the observing at about 2am and I should be in bed by 3am!

The photos on this page are a mix between those that Christine, Minnie and I took (and no comments about my rather bad ice-skating - I only just survived being pulled along by Minnie and Christine - in fact Christine managed to injure two people within a few minutes!).

Okay, back to trying to produce sensible webpages for the student observing project!

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