Sunday, January 6, 2008

A relaxing day

After all the excitement of the last few days we were rather more relaxed today. I managed to get a little work done, played heaps of duets for violin and 'cello. We also went to visit some friends of my parents and did a bit of snow-shoeing before watching the Canada v.s. Sweden hockey match.

I also attach a few more photos from our dramatic flight. The views of Ottawa have been stunning!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Can't match this, I'm afraid, but today we (ie Faith and I) searched for caches on the Gower. We went to Pwlldu (where contraband used to be rowed ashore to be stored in secret in a nearby pub) and Brandy Cove, where similar things happened, no doubt. It was all wildly beautiful. Then we had a huge lunch which we couldn't finish before walking to Mumbles in the wind and pouring rain. We returned home very wet, very tired, and ready for a glass of wine ...