Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nash Point

Lots of fun driving down small Welsh roads today.  We seemed to spend half the time reversing to let somebody go past. Luckily my hire car seems terribly posh and has a reversing camera!  We finally found the place and had a fun walk along the cliff tops to see the light houses.

Yesterday I managed to catch an early train from Paris to St Pancras.  Grandma wanted to know who St Pancras was. Apparently he was Saint Pancras of Rome who was beheaded at the age of 14.  Some "relics" ended up in a church in London.  That church became Saint Pancras, the region of London did and then the railway station did.

They seemed to have wrecked Saint Pancras station.  I recall it being very spectacular.  Now it's packed, long queues, nowhere to find the ticket machine and lots of steps to carry you luggage up.  Apparently this is an improvement.

The train to Cardiff was enjoyable and then I rented a car and got very lost trying to find Grandma's house.

In the evening Grandma, Faith, Mel ate a cucumelon and took part in the pub quiz.  We didn't come last!

The cucumelon


Anonymous said...

Is it the meal too big for grandma ? :p

Anonymous said...

How many cucumelons you ate to make you full?