Thursday, March 11, 2010

33 years old

I'm now old. Very old. But my birthday was fun. Thanks to all for the birthday greetings (particularly to Alexander). I received some great presents from around the World. Including a package full of jammie dodgers, custard creams, spotted dick and much more from Emma. Sha likes the jammie dodgers which I have discovered contain "raspberry flavoured plum jam".

We stayed up to midnight to celebrate the arrival of my birthday. We stayed up by watching the original Italian job. What a wonderful film! Then I opened my presents and was given a wonderful surprise by Sha of a birthday card representing each month that we'd known each other! She also gave me the DVD of Planet Earth and a new wallet. After work, we met up in Ashfield to eat a huge crab and for Sha to pick up the amazing chocolate cake that she'd ordered for me!!

I enjoyed my birthday!

The crab was "lively" before it was boiled.

These photos do make me look a bit strange. I did partake of a "da tsingtao pijou" which may explain a bit.


Amor said...

So happy to spend Da zhu zhu's birthday together, I like all your expression when I suprised you, haha~ thats really fun, hope can celebrate your 111 years B'day with you, you old man :P

Emma and Alexander said...

Alexander saw the number on your cake and says that's "thirty three". "That's the number of the duck bus!" (yes, that's the bus that goes to the London Wetland Centre).