Saturday, June 25, 2011

wombat, we are coming!!

I was told in my visit to parliament last week to come up with short, snappy titles. So I've called this blog entry "quoll sex". We did see some quolls having sex today. Oh, Sha is getting angry with me for not calling this post: "The most wonderful and beautiful, big, fat, wombat" and has taken control of the keyboard and changed the title.

Sha didn't let me spend much time watching the quolls have sex. She said that she thought they needed some privacy, but actually Sha wanted to get back to her new friend. Her new friend is a huge, fat wombat that seemed to be rather fond of her. Sha managed to get the wombat jumping into the air to bang his head on her hand. She also discovered that if she kept tapping its back then it would run faster and faster.

This morning we discovered that our guinea pigs were mutants. Tuan Tuan seems to be growing another fingernail. We took her to the vet who told us not to worry too much. Sha would like to report that both guinea pigs behaved very well and a big dog sat on her foot.

After playing with the wombat (at the Featherdale wildlife park) we decided to drive to Windsor (for no particular reason). We had some coffee, walked a bit by the river and then drove back home.

There are five bush turkeys walking around outside.

1 comment:

Faith said...

The wombat does look a bit like a super-sized guinea pig, doesn't it!