Dominic, Anna and I walked the next stretch of the Great North Walk yesterday - from Cowan to Brooklyn. I like this section. We first jumped between rocks down into a dark, damp gully (full of rainforest plants) before heading back into the sunshine and along the large rivers near the Hawkesbury. The water was so clear that we could watch shoals of fish swimming about. We also stopped for a while to watch a black cockatoo. Then Anna decided to go wading around in the water!
The hike then went rather steeply upwards, we had lunch in an amazing cave, continued to the top of the ridge and then got our first views of the river and the Pacific ocean. It was a relaxing walk down into Brooklyn where we had some oysters and a beer before heading back home. Beautiful!
Now I'm back at the place on the Great North Walk which Maryam, Kate and I got to about 3 years ago. Hopefully I continue this time - I have about 173km left to go before reaching Newcastle. The next section is meant to be full of leeches!
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