Saturday, July 10, 2010

A fun day

Sha and I bought tickets to New Zealand today. We just have to hope that we can get a VISA for her in time! We're going to see some snowy mountains!

We had fun around China town and the botanical gardens today. Sha got attacked by a da bei niao. I was crazy enough to buy the Journey to the West which comes in three huge volumes. This book was apparently first published in the 1590s (during the Ming dynasty).

Last night was interesting. I sat on a small Dash-8 in front of two huge, tough military guys. They spent the entire flight discussing the best way to shoot people. I listened in to their conversation on the best way to shoot people going up a hill, down a hill, standing still, running fast etc. etc. Apparently the US military is full of rednecks who don't know what they're doing, but the British are very good. They discussed the best ways to practice being a sniper, which seemed to entail shooting zombies on some computer game. I then had to help them find the gate for their next flight :)


Alison Hobbs said...

I assume that "da bei niao" refers to the parrot. Big sad bird? Big north bird? Big cup bird? Please advise!

Alison Hobbs said...

P.S. Question from your dad: do you have your Australian passport yet? Good luck to Sha re. her VISA application!

George Hobbs said...

ahhh .... that's embarrassing. I actually meant da bai niao which means big white bird. I should have my Australian passport tomorrow.

Amor said...

Jiao zi got a very COOL passport, it has different animal pics in every page, very fun :P

Amor said...

Oh, nearly forget to say, the "thing" jiao zi holding is Baozi, nick name--bao bao, she is terribly pretty~